Brescia - Iseo - Breno
The R3 Brescia - Iseo - Breno Regional Line is part of the Route 19.

How long does the Brescia - Iseo - Breno trip take?
The distance between Brescia and Breno is 73km.
The Trenord railway service of the R3 Brescia - Iseo - Breno Regional line connects Brescia to Breno in approximately 45 minutes.
Trains stop at all stations.
- From Breno: first train 5:58; last train 19:25
- From Brescia: first train at 5:55 am; last train 19:58 (Mon-Fri)

How much does the train from Brescia to Breno cost?
From Brescia to Breno the second class price for a Trenord train only ticket is € 6.70. Discounted tickets for children and seniors are also available, as well as supplements for bicycle and animal transport.

What are the stops of the Brescia - Iseo - Breno line?
The Trenord Regional R3 Brescia - Iseo - Breno service stops at:
Brescia Borgo San Giovanni, Castegnato, Paderno Franciacorta, Passirano, Bornato-Calino, Borgonato Adro, Provaglio-Timoline, Iseo, Pilzone, Sulzano, Sale Marasino, Marone-Zone, Vello, Toline, Pisogne, Piancamuno-Gratacasolo, Darfo-Corna, Boario Terme, Pian di Borno, Cogno-Esine, Cividate-Malegno.