How long does the Pavia - Alessandria trip take?
The distance between Pavia and Alessandria is 65 km.
The Trenord railway service of the R35 Pavia - Torreberetti - Alessandria Regional line connects Pavia to Alessandria in approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes.
- From Pavia: first train 6:05 am; last train 19:05 (with change in Torreberetti by bus)
- From Alessandria: first train at 6:00 am; last train 19:38 (bus with change in Torreberetti with train)

How much is the trip from Pavia to Alessandria?
From Pavia to Alessandria the second class price for a Trenord ticket is € 6.35.

What are the stops on the Mortara - Alessandria line?
The Trenord Regionale R35 Pavia - Torreberetti - Alessandria service stops at:
Sairano, Sairano-Zinasco, Zinasco Nuovo, Pieve Albignola, Sannazzaro, Ferrera Lomellina, Lomello, Mede, Torreberetti, Valenza, Valmadonna.