Bergamo - Carnate - Milano
The R14 Bergamo - Carnate - Milano Regional Line is part of the Route 12.

How long does the Bergamo - Carnate - Milan trip take?
The distance between Bergamo and Milan is 50 km.
The Trenord railway service of the R14 Bergamo - Carnate - Milan regional line connects Bergamo to Milan in approximately 1 hour and 10 minutes.
Trains have an hourly frequency and stop at all stations.
- From Bergamo: first train 6:25 am; last train 21:06
- From Milan: first train at 5:31 am; last train 22:31

How much does the train Bergamo - Milano Porta Garibaldi cost?
From Bergamo to Milan Porta Garibaldi the second class price for a Trenord train only ticket is € 4.80. Discounted tickets for children and seniors are also available, as well as supplements for bicycle and animal transport.
The Bergamo - Carnate - Milan line partly crosses the provinces of Milan and Monza and Brianza, where the STIBM integrated tariff system is in force. You need to purchase an integrated STIBM ticket only to travel between two stations, both in the STIBM area.

What are the stops on the Bergamo - Carnate - Milan line?
The Trenord Regionale R14 Bergamo - Carnate - Milan service stops at: Bergamo Ospedale, Ponte San Pietro, Terno, Calusco, Paderno-Robbiate, Carnate-Usmate, Arcore, Monza, Sesto San Giovanni, Milano Greco Pirelli.