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Infrastructure upgrading works between Bozzolo and Mantova

Thursday 30/05/2024

On the Milan-Cremona-Mantova line, work is in progress for the total renewal of the railway line.

For this reason, until the end of 2026, train circulation between Bozzolo and Mantova is suspended.

replacement bus service is provided, with intermediate stops, from Bozzolo station to Mantova station and vice versa.



Things to know before you travel:

  1. Road travel times differ from train times; the replacement service is structured to ensure connection with the Milano-Cremona train schedules, which will operate regularly;
  2. Bus departure times may vary due to traffic conditions;
  3. Bike transport is not permitted on buses;
  4. Trenord tickets/subscriptions are valid on both trains and connecting buses between stations;
  5. Passengers departing from stations without ticket offices can purchase tickets via the Trenord App and website or from the conductor, after boarding the train at Bozzolo, without extra charge;
  6. Bus stop points are indicated on the attached map;
  7. Accessibility for passengers with reduced mobility will be ensured on the replacement service. Customers requiring this service can notify their travel needs at least 24 hours before departure through Sala Blu assistance channels (Green Number 800.90.60.60; national number at regular rates +; active every day from 6:45 to 21:30);
  8. For passengers with reduced mobility, the Trenord Green Number 800.210.955 (operating every day from 8:15 to 19:45) and the email are also available.

Check the Milano - Cremona - Mantova line page for real-time updates

Map double tracking Mantova-Bozzolo | Trenord